I am next to you,
Feel the warm of my palm
in yours
Grow closer to me,
You can see the scorched jungle
Through the umber of my eye
I am swinging along
The branch of this page
Into the polished living rooms
Of my coffee table extinction
How will you know
The sight of tree top canopies?
How will you sing
The rare notes of dawn
Without a forest man’s wisdom?
I stretch and scratch
The truth, an itch in my fur
Over there a shadowy something
plays at lies, at death in tragic circles
On sawn wooden stages
My finger’s delicate reach
For the fruits of the vine
Finds only clearings of ash
An arc’s elegance
of somersault between boughs
Is a now
That suffices me
In this universe of stars
Threading moon-web
To sun-seed through
scatterings of my thoughts
The common sense
Of your needs
Reduces me to a cute photograph
A cycle that tightens till
The last of us
Shuffles from our arbour nests
A pet in the chains
Which manacle man
to a barren horizon
I am next to you,
Feel the warm of my palm
in yours
The Borneo Orangutan is on the Critically Endangered list. Less than 14% of the original population survive. This is due to de-forestation and the theft of young Orangutans as pets, after the killing of their mothers.