You tell me you need a change of heart
tell me ‘I’m not who you want me to be’:
Now, as Spring coils, soil fingers fidget
to dissolve you in the rot of clay roots,
aren’t you that dog howling in noon-heat
heart-broken where love refugee-cries.
Aren’t you this disorder in flower-profusión
fused into fish at play in random directions;
If your pilgrim mind can fugue with flies
on this surge of chaos-sweet currents.
why are you still following, so obedient
to these fragment lines of thin print?
Don’t you understand a wasteland yet?
गते गते पारगते पारसंगते बोधि स्वाहा,
Gate, gate, paragate,parasamgate,
Bodhi Svaha, So be it!
गते गते पारगते पारसंगते बोधि स्वाहा,
Gate, gate, paragate,parasamgate,
Bodhi Svaha, So be it!
These are lines from the Buddhist Heart Sutra. They might be translated as:
'Beyond, beyond, beyond the beyond of beyond Buddha-hood lies, so be it!'