You whale-watchers,
In squeaks and squawks,
A flotsam of plastic agitations,
Littered and self-absorbed,
Your cackles falter
over the edge of oceans
as I fall back
Rolling far back into depths /
Depths blue beyond your death,
Rolling far back
Into a black and godless salvation
Where my contour of meat and muscle
Beats with Gaia’s girdled tides
This rocky planet’s circulation;
My unbecoming,
diffuse along the ocean streams
A holy-ghost glide of tapering flippers
And I slumber
Suspended in watery ether
As an earthly harmony /
To awake from such oceanic dreams
In an ocean-toilet of your trash,
Predatory plastic in smothering bags
Micro-pellets corrupting away lungs,
A calf, cancered by chemicals
Drifts, beyond help, to the futile
Clicks and calls of her mother,
hysterical among the nursing currents /
Once the whale’s song is gone
We will drift together, rudderless
Under the cold indifference of stars.
Blue Whales were almost hunted to extinction before the international whaling ban in 1967. The current global population is believed to be 3~11 % of the original total. The threats to the whale population are shipping, fishing, ocean pollution (plastics) and climate change affecting the krill it depends on for food.